DEHN schützt Stellwerke
DEHN protects interlockings

Lightning protection for electronic and digital interlockings

Avoid system failure and operative disruptions

Signalling and control systems are the brain and nervous system of railway transportation systems. Time and again, lightning strikes lead to the failure of individual components in electronic interlockings causing train delays and cancellations.

You can provide effective protection for all kinds of interlockings by implementing a comprehensive lightning protection concept which is individually adjusted to the system at hand. Guideline 819.0808 "Blitz- und Überspannungsschutz von LST Anlagen" (Lightning and surge protection of control and signalling installations) issued by the Deutsche Bahn AG also makes recommendations on this theme.


Your advantages from a DEHN protection solution for interlockings:

  • Economically viable material and installation costs thanks to the optimum planning of the protection concept
  • Prevention of costly operational disruptions and system breakdowns caused by lightning strikes and surges
  • Comprehensive protection concept - tailored to the specific conditions in your interlockings

Have you got any questions? Contact us.


Phone: +971 48818380

Fax: +971 48818397

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